【网络模拟】Integrating Python in Ns-3 Simulations: A Study Note
In this blog we will explored the utilization of ns-3 as a comprehensive network simulation tool and the integration of Python within C++ applications, focusing particularly on the use of PyBind11. This study note summarizes the key points, aiming to provide insights into the efficient use of ns-3 for simulating network scenarios and the innovative application of Python in C++ environments.
ns-3: Nodes and Applicationsns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator, widely recognized for its versatil ...
PMR Introduction & Assumptions for Efficient Representation
1. Course StructureAssumptions with reasons and learning/reasoning.
Half half.
2. Basic Assumptions for Efficient Model Representation
Independence: limit the number of interaction.
Interaction: restrict the way things interact with each other.
2.1. Independence
2.2. Interaction
3. Additional Material3.1. Sensitivityu and Specificity
Sensitivity: True Positive
Specificity: True Negtive
Simply another way saying the same thing.
3.2. Bayes’ rule$$P(A|B ...
NLU Introduction
1. Natural Language UnderstandingBroadly: any computational problem where the input is natural language, and the output is structured information that a computer can store (e.g. in a database) or execute (e.g. a command to a digital assistant).
1.1. Digital Assistants
1.2. Question answering
1.3. Sentiment analysis
1.4. Syntactic parsing
1.5. Semantic parsing
2. Natural Language GenerationBroadly: any computational problem where the input is non-linguistic data (e.g. data, images, sound) and the ...
ARO Robot Geometry
More note for this course check: Advanced-Robotics
1. 3D State Description in Robotics1.1. Demo Case Study: 3D Navigation of a Drone in an Urban Environment
Super Domain: Path & Motion Planning
Type of Method: State Representation in 3D Space
1.2. Problem Definition and Variables
Objective: To represent and track the state of a drone for 3D navigation in an urban environment.
$q$: State vector including position and orientation in 3D space.
$(x, y, z)$: 3D Cartesian coordinates ...
【七牛云】Enhanced Workflow for Managing Files in Qiniu Cloud Storage
English Version中文版本Step 1: Listing Bucket Contents (Helper Function)Before restoring files, it’s beneficial to list the contents of the bucket to identify the files to be restored.
Command1.\qshell.exe listbucket2 <bucket-name> --file-types 2,3 --show-fields Key,FileType
Purpose: Lists the contents of a specified bucket.
<bucket-name>: Replace with the name of your bucket.
--file-types 2,3: Specifies the types of files to list.
--show-fields Key,FileType: Dis ...
【模板】Hexo Docker Nginx 个人博客服务器部署
🤖 TLDR By ChatGPT本指南提供了在服务器上设置Git仓库、将本地Hexo页面推送到服务器仓库、在服务器上创建Nginx配置文件以及在服务器上运行Nginx容器的方法。
在服务器上的指定路径下运行git init初始化Git仓库。
参考Easy Hexo指南,使用提供的配置将本地Hexo页面推送到服务器仓库。
使用官方Docker镜像在服务器上运行Nginx容器。使用docker pull nginx拉取镜像,然后使用提供的命令运行容器。
请确保用适当的值替换所有<todo: comment>占位符。
There are several <todo: comment> need to be replaced.
✨Initialise git repository on server123cd <todo: the path for repository>git init
✨Push local hexo pages to ...
【编程】R: Getting Into Project of R
:star: what is an r project include in r studio?An R project in RStudio is a self-contained directory that contains all the files and resources associated with a specific R project. This includes the R code files, data files, output files, and any additional packages or libraries needed for the project. RStudio automatically creates a new R project for each project you start, and allows you to easily switch between different projects within the RStudio interface. R projects in RStudio also provi ...
PI Week2 Responsibility
More note for this course check: Professional Issues
Responsibility is an assigning of roles by some larger section of society.
We are talking about responsibility as the degree to which individuals or groups are accountable for actions, events, or other changes in the world.
This might mean attributing a certain amount of praise or blame to those agents for those actions.
But also it means attributing an imperative to them that they should be thinking abo ...
SP Module 0 – Getting Started
More note for this course check: Speech-Processing
Test to Speech Synthesis TTSthe generation of speech from text input
Automatic Speech Recognition ASRthe transcription of speech into text
Key ideas
PHON – phonetics and phonology
SIGNALS – signal processing, with a focus on speech signals
TTS – text-to-speech synthesis
ASR – automatic speech recognition
SKILLS – maths, computing, writing
The phonetics modules in this course are intended to complement the speech processing content.
Project Name: GO PRO BROPlanning Book Version: v0.1
BackgroundToday, undergraduate students are looking for opportunities to gain the experience of research. But some of them may head to the public, and start a summer school, which is too expensive for undergraduate students, and not fair for those suffer in poverty. Besides, things like summer school is for student in high or middle school who have a strong willing to start their research career but don’t have someone can help or teach them. ...
MOB LEC1 Introduction
More note for this course check: Introduction-to-Mobile-Robotics
Meaning of robot
Origin of the Term: The word “robot” was introduced to the public by Czech (捷克共和国) writer Karel Čapek (卡雷尔·恰佩克) in his science-fiction play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) in 1920. In Czech language, “robota” means “labour” or “work”.
Original purpose of robots: automatic/autonomous labour that frees humans from tedious jobs
Use cases of robotPeople fear
Dangerous: exploration, chemical spill cleanup, ...
:star:研究的三个板块对于一个课题组,如何进行人员的组织是一定要考虑的问题。任何一个错误的分工,或者一个模糊不清的角色定位都会造成课题推进的困难。接下来我们从三个主要的板块,展开讨论,科研团队中的大家如何扮演好自己的角 ...
:star:为什么选用Mendeley?:star:Mendeley的下载Mendeley有两个版本,官方页面上的是Mendeley Manager,但是异常难用。这里建议使用Mendeley Desktop配置本地论文仓库,也可以通过设置云端同步实现跨平台。
:star:Mendeley常用功能:stars:【重点】查询 ...
Talk is cheap, show me the code. 废话少说,直接给我代码!脚本代码跳转链接:脚本在这里
在服务器上训练人工智能模型的时候往往是启动一个后台任务,启动后台任务的方法如下: 12#!/bin/bashnohup 【命令】 &
对于使用GPU的后台任务,如果没有好好的退出,会一直占用GPU资源。所以需要执行如下命令退出: 123456# 执行以下命令在全部线程中寻找你的后台线程:ps -ef ...