Image stitching is a process combine two image taking from different angle to a image with wider range.

Image Features: A General Process

  • Step 1 - Feature Detection: identify distinctive points in our images. We call these points features.
  • Step 2 - Feature Description: associate a descriptor for each feature from its neighborhood.
  • Step 3 - Feature Matching: we use these descriptors to match features across two or more images.

Feature Detection

Feature Define

Features: Points of interest in an image defined by its image pixel coordinates [u, v].

Points of interest should have the following characteristics:
For the feature:

  • Saliency: distinctive, identifiable, and different from its immediate neighborhood. (similar to neighbor, would cause confusion, is not a feature)
  • Locality: occupies a relatively small subset of image space. (occupies a large area is not a good feature)

For the set of features:

  • Repeatability: can be found even under some distortion. (miss with small distortion, including rotation and scale change, is not a feature)
  • Quantity: enough points represented in the image. (small number is not a good feature)
  • Efficiency: reasonable computation time. (resource consuming is not a good feature)

Feature Detection Algorithms

Feature Detection: Algorithms

  • Harris {corners}: Easy to compute, but not scale invariant. [Harris and Stephens, 1988]
  • Harris-Laplace {corners}: Same procedure as Harris detector, addition of scale selection based on Laplacian. Scale invariance. [Mikolajczyk, 2001]
  • Features from accelerated segment test (FAST) {corners}: Machine learning approach for fast corner detection. [Rosten and Drummond, 2006]
  • Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) detector {blobs}: Uses the concept of scale space in a large neighborhood (blob). Somewhat scale invariant. [Lindeberg, 1998]
  • Difference of Gaussian (DOG) detector {blobs}: Approximates LOG but is faster to compute. [Lowe, 2004]

Feature Description

Descriptor: An N-dimensional vector that provides a summary of the local neighborhood information around the detected feature.

An effective feature descriptor should have the following characteristics:

  • Repeatability: manifested as robustness and invariance to translation, rotation, scale, and illumination changes
  • Distinctiveness: should allow us to distinguish between two close-by features, very important for subsequent matching step
  • Compactness & Efficiency: reasonable computation time and efficiency

Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptors: [Lowe 1999]

  • Step 1: Find a 16 x 16 window around detected feature
  • Step 2: Separate the neighborhood into 16 cells, each comprised of 4 x 4 patch of pixels
  • Step 3: For each cell, first find the most prominent gradient change direction in each patch, and then create a 8-bin orientation histogram to describe the cell.
  • Step 4: Apply this 8-bin orientation description to all the 16 cells, and it yields a 128-dimension vector - the descriptor of the keypoint

The above process is usually compute on rotated and scaled versions of the 16 x 16 window, allowing for better scale robustness.

Feature Matching

Brute Force Feature Matching

Brute force feature matching might not be fast enough for extremely large amounts of features. In practice, a k-d tree is often used to speed the search by constraining it spatially.

Brute Force Feature Matching, with distance threshold

Outlier Rejection with Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC)


What is a blob?

What is k-d tree?

Is it possible to do the description step first for all pixels and use the pixel description to detect or identify those keypoints?

Supplement materials

Origin: Dr. Chris Lu (Homepage)
Translate + Edit: YangSier (Homepage)

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